馃殌 Work with Me

馃摚 I help impact-driven businesses & organizations tell their story.

Consulting 路 Coaching 路 Collaborations

I'm a writer and digital media expert committed to working only with impact-driven businesses and organizations on a mission to make things better.

Learn more about how I can help you and your mission below, or book a free discovery call or send me an email at cory {at} growensemble.com to see how we can work together here:

How I Can Help:

I've worked in content marketing and the digital media landscape for over a decade. I'm passionate about using that experience and my skill set to help people and organizations that want to make a difference. Here's how I can help:

  • 1:1 Content Strategy, Coaching, & Training:

Receive personalized guidance to enhance your content strategy, storytelling skills, and communication techniques, empowering your organization to create impactful narratives that drive engagement and achieve your goals.

  • Private Workshops, Masterclasses, Etc.:

Empower your organization with tailored training sessions that enhance your team鈥檚 storytelling skills and content creation strategies. My workshops and masterclasses provide hands-on guidance to craft compelling narratives that drive engagement and amplify your impact.

  • Content Collaboration & Development:

Collaborate with me to create powerful narratives that showcase your work through full-length video and audio podcasts. Together, we'll produce compelling content highlighting your mission and engaging your audience.

  • Sponsorship & Brand Deals:

If you're an impact-driven brand or organization interested in getting in front of my ecosystem (podcasts, YouTube, newsletters, etc.), we can create a bespoke partnership campaign to help you meet your goals.

Example Product Features/Reviews

If you're interested in having your brand or product reviewed for my audience on YouTube, you can see past examples here:

Example Storytelling Partnership: Dean's Beans Organic Coffee Company 鈽曪笍

With Dean's Beans Organic Coffee Company, we created a two-part audio/video podcast series redefining what makes great coffee (their industry) and, even more universally, what makes a great company.

For this collaboration, I interviewed multiple Dean's Beans team members, synthesized Dean's Beans founder Dean Cycon's seminal book on Fair Trade Coffee, and conducted/recorded a remote coffee tasting with the Dean's Beans Roastmaster.

Part 2

Part 1

Other Brands/Organizations I've Worked With:

How to Get Started:

Book a free discovery call or email me at cory {at} growensemble.com and discuss how we can work together to make some meaningful media.