21 min read

ButcherBox Review: Pros, Cons, & Best Sustainable Meat Delivery Alternatives

I’ve struggled to consistently find high-quality and ethically raised meats locally. At the grocery store or Farmers Market I can’t always trust the quality or the ethics behind the meats I’m buying or, if I can, I sometimes feel like I’m spending a fortune…

I’ve found ButcherBox to be one of the best, most reasonably priced ways to get high-quality, humanely raised meat delivered directly to your door.

Below, we’ll review how the ButcherBox membership works, the pros and cons of the service, the quality and types of meats you can select, and of course, we’ll answer the all-important question…

Is ButcherBox is worth it?

We will also compare ButcherBox to some of the best alternative sustainable meat delivery services we know of.

All this in mind we jumped at the chance to sample out ButcherBox and share our experience with you.

Let’s get into it.


For a different perspective on ButcherBox, catch our video review here.

What is ButcherBox?

ButcherBox is a subscription-based sustainable meat delivery service on a mission to make ethically-raised meat more accessible. ButcherBox sources its sustainable meats from the US, Canada, and Australia and delivers them frozen to your door in curated or customized boxes.

Mike Salguero founded ButcherBox back in 2015 on a mission to make higher-quality, humanely-raised meats more widely available.

He has since grown ButcherBox to become the largest certified B Corporation meat delivery subscription service on the market. Certified B Corporations are businesses meeting some of the highest standards of social and/or environmental performance. As a certified B Corp, ButcherBox is dedicated to upholding the highest standards for their own environmental impact, animal welfare, and worker’s rights (learn more about BB’s mission & impact below).

They are also part of the Global Animal Partnership and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. These organizations offer critical third-party accountability to ButcherBox’s many claims as an ethical and sustainable meat provider.

In summation, you can think of ButcherBox as sustainable meat middlemen, connecting organic and responsible ranchers and companies directly to the consumer.

How Does ButcherBox Work?

This is how ButcherBox’s meat delivery subscription works:

  1. First, you’ll head over to ButcherBox.com, where you’ll be prompted to “Choose Your Plan.” Oftentimes, you’ll be greeted with some sort of welcome gift if you are a first-time customer. At the time we updated this review, the offer was “FREE GROUND BEEF FOR LIFE,” where you’d receive 2 pounds of 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef with every one of your orders for the duration of your membership (these free offers often change!).
  2. After your initial sign-up, you’ll choose and customize your box with the amount and kinds of meat you want, set the frequency of your subscription, and place your order. (Check out our guide down below about which plan is best for you!)
  3. Within 3-7 days, you’ll receive a box of freshly frozen, high-quality meat delivered right to your door. Choose which meats you want to try first and get thawing! 
  4. Of course, the final step will be putting on your chef’s hat, pouring a glass of vino, and getting your sear, roast, brown, or broil on. 👩‍🍳

Each box and how often you get it is completely customizable before the next billing date. Add some wild-caught salmon or any of their other member deals to your next box, or even try a smaller, bigger, or a different box altogether.

You can skip a month, push back a week, and change the frequency of your subscription at no extra cost!

butcherbox delivered on porch
MY ButcherBox

Ordering, Shipping, & Delivery: Our Experience

The selections of meat and seafood are laid out in a simple format with pictures, descriptions, weight/quantities, and even some suggestions for cooking. Here you can click to your heart’s content, exploring and picking your options. All of my usual go-to meat selections were available, from steaks to chicken breast to fresh salmon filets.

But because I love a good surprise, I ended up choosing the smaller Classic Curated Box for my family of two.

As I’m reviewing the details of my order, a pop-up fills my page…and my heart! Do I want a free ButcherBox bacon? Aha, need you even ask?!

My mixed Classic Box, with added on ground beef, and bacon for a total of 129 buckaroos. And FREE delivery. It felt like a good deal from the start, all without having to venture to the grocery store.

After I placed my order, I got two welcome emails, one inviting me to join the exclusive member-only ButcherBox Community and the other confirming my order. I’m told from the time you place your order that your package should arrive between 3-7 days and to be on the lookout for an email with your tracking details.

Sure enough, the next day I get word that my package has shipped, and included is an easy-to-follow tracking link. Along with that email are some extra deets about the delivery, some really great FAQs, and resources about how to handle frozen meats and dry ice.

To my delight, three days after my order was placed, I was alerted my box had been delivered, and sure enough, there it was, in all its glory, on my porch!

I excitedly brought the huge box o’meat into our kitchen and started digging in. I was so psyched to see the cardboard box and cardboard, plastic-less, insulation and packaging!

👌Bravo ButcherBox! 

I didn’t have any dry ice in my box which made sense since it was only coming from Dallas, a 5-hour drive away, so no hang-ups there. Still, there are detailed instructions on how to handle the dry ice right on the packaging itself if needed. 

All the better, all my meat was perfectly frozen and all the vacuum-sealed packaging intact.

⚠️ Important Disclaimer

You must be available to retrieve your delivery within 6-8 hours of it being delivered to ensure that all your meat and seafood remains at safe temperatures. What did this mean for me? Putting my email push notifications back on my phone. You could, conversely, monitor your email like a hawk on the hunt.  

Let’s get more specific and talk about the various ButcherBox plans you can choose from.

Try ButcherBox Here

The ButcherBox Plans: Which One is For You?

Overall, there are basically two plan options at ButcherBox.

Finding the right box for you will depend on a lot of different factors—How many people are you feeding? How often do you eat meat? What is the frequency of your subscription? How much freezer space do you have? How much do you love bacon?

Bacon aside, let’s get into the details of each box to find out which is right for you.

Curated Box

A Curated Box is a mix of pre-selected cuts of meat. While you can always add on other selections, the core of this box is preset, meaning there’s no subbing or way of knowing which cuts of meat you’ll get. 

The Curated Box is an excellent way to try new cuts and explore more recipes. (Discovering which meats were sent to me was one of my favorite parts about the ButcherBox experience!) 

There are four options within the Curated Box. You can choose from: 

  • Mixed Box (which include Beef, Pork, and Chicken)
  • Beef & Chicken
  • Beef & Pork
  • All Beef

The Curated Box can come in two sizes:

Classic Curated Box ($137 / month) – 8-11 lbs. of meat, or roughly 24 servings. This is recommended for individuals, small families, or those with limited freezer space.

Big Curated Box ($253 /month) – 16-22 lbs. of meat, or roughly 48 servings. This is the box for you if you’re a meat-three-times-a-day kind of person, have a deep freezer, or have more mouths to feed.

*You are free to add in additional “Add-Ons” of your choosing for additional cost.

Custom Box

Their Custom Box runs slightly larger (20% more meat than their Curated Boxes) and a bit more expensive. With this option, you completely hand-select what is included. 

Create your perfect box by choosing from more than 25 high-quality cuts of 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, heritage-breed pork, and wild-caught seafood. They’ve got the classics like ground beef, chicken breast, filet mignon, and bacon, and cuts for the more experienced chef like sirloin cap or bone-in pork butt.

Be sure to mix it up!

Custom Boxes are for those who’ve got their routine down, know what they like, and have nailed their crowd-pleaser recipes.

Choosing the size…

Classic Custom Box  ($159/month) – 6 cuts and roughly 9-14 lbs. of meat. Again, going Classic is best for individuals and small families and freezers. 

Big Custom Box ($288) – 12 cuts and roughly 18-26 lbs. Going with the big box, of course, is best for big appetites, big families, and big freezers.

*You are free to add in additional “Add-Ons” of your choosing (like the Curated Box) for an additional cost.

👍 Tip

Our advice – If you are just looking to test out ButcherBox then we’d recommend just choosing a Curated Mixed Box at the Classic size. That’s the cheapest way to get started, and the best way to sample what ButcherBox has to offer.   

My advice? If you do go for the Custom Box, be sure to experiment. Take advantage of ButcherBox’s member-only deals to try new cuts, their wild-caught seafood options, or anything else you are curious to try.

One of my favorite parts about ButcherBox was getting meats and cuts that I probably would not have chosen myself. The mix of meats in the curated box was an unexpected benefit that I really can’t talk up enough. I’ve started to cook a much wider array of meats than I had before, and I’ve been LOVING it. Plus, ButcherBox’s Just Cook recipes blog and YouTube Channel have been making it easy for me to learn how to cook all these new meats and cuts.

The good news here is that no matter which box you go for, there is always the possibility of adding add-ons, so if there is something you’ve been craving or want more of, you can always add it to your box!

Some more good news is that you can change the type or size of your box at any time, with no extra fee. You can ALSO change the frequency of your subscription to come every 2,4,6, or 8 weeks or even change your next billing/delivery date! 
So if it’s too much or too little, adjust when needed! This is one of the best features of the ButcherBox membership—you can completely tailor it to your needs, your budget, and your tastebuds!

Pictured Here: ButcherBox’s Whole Chicken, Flat Ion Steak, Bacon, and Alaskan Sockeye Salmon

How Much Does ButcherBox Cost?

As mentioned above, the price of ButcherBox’s plans vary widely and will depend on what additional add-ons or member deals you decide to include. ButcherBox claims, however, that all plans come to about $5 per meal. The Custom Box yielding a bigger bang for the buck at $5.30 per meal than the Curated Boxes, which come to $5.71 per meal.

I also wanted to field test this though, and see how ButcherBox’s prices compared to other typical options.

Keep in mind: for this comparison, we are looking for comparable meats in quality. I wasn’t interested in comparing ButcherBox’s grass-fed and grass-finished beef with non-grass-fed, or grass-fed but not grass-finished beef.

ButcherBox vs. My Local Farmers Market

At my local farmers market, I usually pay about $8 for a (~1 lb) package of grass-fed ground beef, $20-$60 for any grass-fed steaks/higher quality cuts of meat, $6-$15 for select cuts of free-range or organic chicken, $10-20 for a package of bacon, and $14+/lb for select heritage breed pork cuts. Dividing up the cost between each package(1-2 lbs each) of meat equally in my first ButcherBox, it totaled up at about $10 per package. Not only does this run about the same as my farmer’s market prices, in a lot of cases, it’s also incredibly cheaper! 

Mind you, my box did include some freebies…but even searching around the add-ons, member deals, and customized options, the meat prices stay very competitive with the sustainable meat counterparts you’d find at a grocery shop or farmers markets.

As I’m still a subscriber 😉, I’ll be adding other comparisons of ButcherBox’s prices in the future!

Go To ButcherBox.com

A Review of ButcherBox’s Meat

ButcherBox has a wide selection and a high standard for how they source their meats and seafood. Here’s what you can get (this is always expanding/evolving!) and here are the credentials.

ButcherBox’s 100% Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Beef

Cuts: Ground Beef, Burger Patties, Tri Tip, Chuck Roast, Top Sirloin Steaks, Flank Steak, Beef Brisket, Flat Iron Steaks, Steak Tips, Top Sirloin Tips, Sirloin Caps, Bottom of the Round Roasts, Ribeye Steaks, NY Strip Steaks, and Ranch Steaks.

Sourcing: Their beef is 100% grass-fed and grass-finished. It’s humanly raised, pasture-raised, and never fed any antibiotics or hormones. They source the majority of their beef from Australia. They do that because Australia has developed a more sophisticated system for certifying pasture-raised meat (unlike the U.S.). Their cows are never put into concentrated feedlots, either.


ButcherBox’s Pork Raised Crate-Free

Cuts: Bacon, Pulled Pork, St. Louis Ribs, Baby Back Ribs, Breakfast Sausage, Center Cut Pork Loin Roast, Boneless Pork Chops, Pork Butt, Italian Sausage, and Pork Tenderloin.

Sourcing: ButcherBox’s pork is humanely raised on pastures or hoop barns. They are all vegetarian-fed and never given any antibiotics or hormones. Our research couldn’t determine where ButcherBox sources their pork.

ButcherBox’s Free-Range, Organic Chicken

Cuts: Whole Chicken, Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Chicken Drumsticks, and Bone-in Chicken Thighs

Sourcing: Their chicken is free-range and USDA-certified organic. They are also certified with the Global Animal Partnership at a “Gap 3” level, which is the highest standard for animal welfare. Their chickens are never given antibiotics or hormones.

ButcherBox’s Wild-Caught Seafood

Cuts: Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, Salmon Burgers, and Cod.

Sourcing: They source the majority of their seafood from the U.S.; Alaska, Maine, and Massachusetts. The fish is wild-caught, sustainably harvested, and has no additives or artificial coloring.

ButcherBox seems to adhere to extremely high standards for their meats and seafoods, and they do a good job of documenting publicly, their process. You can read more about how they source, here.

Other: ButcherBox’s selection doesn’t end there. You can also find ground turkey, ground bison, hot dogs, and more.

Is ButcherBox’s Meat Any Good?

Hands down, one of the best things about ethically sourced meat is the exceptional quality and taste. 

But, before I jump into a review of the taste and quality of ButcherBox meats, I think it’s appropriate to preface with a bit of information about how I’m coming to the table.

I am no chef (not professionally, in the least), but I am a native Texan, farmer, and environmentalist. I applaud those strong enough to take on a vegan or vegetarian diet, but I have become comfortable in the fact that I am just not one of those people. 

Eating meat is a huge part of life here in Texas, especially in my family. My grandfather opened his butchery/Mexican deli in the southside of San Antonio in 1975, and my family to this day still owns and operates it. 

I still haven’t found ribs that rival my grandpa’s or a better steak than my brothers’. Be it my South-Texan upbringing, my brothers’ world-class BBQing, or the family business, I know and I love meat.

This is why my environmentalist path has led me to seek out sustainable and regenerative options as a rule, and why I was so excited to give my ButcherBox meats a try.

Not only was I blown away by the cuts that were given to us—2 strip sirloins, a gorgeous 1+ pounder top sirloin cap, 3 packages of chicken breasts, 1 package of bacon, 2 pork loin chops, and 4 packages of ground beef—I was also so impressed the seemingly never-ending amount of it!

The best part of the whole thing? All the beef was 100% grass-fed and grass-finished, the chicken, organic and free-range, and the pork was pasture-raised and heritage-bred.

Knowing that this meat came from responsible ranchers and companies made this surplus of meat feel like an even better deal!

I was really pleased with everything I received and cooked! I sautéed the chicken breasts, overcooked some tender strip steaks (that’s on me 😅), oven-roasted perfect bacon, and made a Texas-style chili out of the 100% grass-fed and grass-finished ground beef.


Shots of my ButcherBox Bacon, 100% Grass-Fed Beef, and Organic Free-Range Chicken

👍 Tip

If you are unfamiliar with how to cook & prepare any of the cuts of meat you receive, have no fear! Check out ButcherBox’s YouTube channel as a friendly resource that offers step-by-step recipes and cooking tutorials.    

Just search for your cut!

Pros, Cons, & Takeaways of ButcherBox


  • Guaranteed sustainably-sourced meat
  • Conveniently shipped, on-time delivery
  • As a B Corp, you know there are no cut corners
  • Delicious, high-quality meat
  • Completely customizable boxes and flexible subscriptions make for an easy customer experience
  • Wide variety of cut selections
  • Competitive prices
  • Great recipe and cooking tutorials through their blog and YouTube channel.


  • Need to be home within 8 hours of delivery to ensure your meat is still at healthy temps
  • Occasional holes in packaging have been reported. This might lead to some changes in flavor or texture or cause leaks in the fridge when thawing
  • Some planning ahead is needed

Pros: Why ButcherBox is Worth It

Overall, I think the ButcherBox subscription is worth it.

The convergence of sustainability, convenience, quality, and price makes ButcherBox score high on the should-I-do-it scale. ButcherBox offers premium quality meats, so they are on par with what you might find in various grocery stores. However, you can subtract the inconvenience of getting there, deciding what to get, and sometimes, paying even more (looking at you Whole Foods).

I’ll go a bit deeper on my reasons why:

Sourcing & Business Practices

I opened this article saying that I’ve historically had trouble finding quality-produced meats that I can trust, for a price point that seems approachable. I find ButcherBox to have achieved a sweet spot for me. ButcherBox keeps high standards for where/how they source their meats and seafood, and it seems they continue to improve them.

Visiting a Whole Foods, Farmers Market, or independent natural grocer, I sometimes feel priced out of the meat I find there. While finding other options (Trader Joe’s, more traditional grocery chains, etc.) I can’t verify that the beef, for example, is grass-fed and grass-finished.

Currently, I trust ButcherBox’s sourcing practices. They don’t just make those claims without backing them up. Their accumulated third-party certifications (B Corp, ASPCA, GAP) are a big part of that. If ButcherBox was only internally verifying their supply chains, I’d be more skeptical. Third-party auditing and transparency is crucial to true sustainability and responsibility in business.

For me, making sure I’m purchasing meats that are raised both ethically and sustainably is a major selling point.

Learning Experience

Since signing up for ButcherBox and being a member for some time, it’s encouraged me to test out cooking different cuts of meats I’ve never cooked before, looking up new recipes, and trying new things out in the kitchen. I’ve learned how to make killer St. Louis Ribs, a rich and tender Chuck Roast, and sear the perfect Flat Iron Steak.

I don’t want to understate, ButcherBox’s YouTube Channel and blog have some excellent recipes.

If you have an affinity for cooking for learning to cook, I think signing up for ButcherBox is a good incentive to do so. Just from the fact that we have higher quality meats in the freezer has me feel an obligation to cook them right! I’ve made some mistakes, but overall, I’ve become a much better chef since subscribing to ButcherBox.

Quality & Taste

We’ve had excellent meal after excellent meal in our household. ButcherBox’s meats haven’t disappointed. Everything from the bacon to the ground beef to the wild-caught cod has been delicious. The only thing that’s prevented that is my familiarity with the right cooking methods.


It’s obviously super nice to always have a freezer stocked full of high-quality meat and seafood. ButcherBox arrives at our house (currently 1x per month) and I look forward to that day each and every month! We stock up the freezer and then anytime we’re visiting the grocery store of the Farmers Markets we are strictly looking for fresh vegetables and fruits to complement our meals.

Likewise, the membership experience is smooth. Updating, changing, even canceling your box is made very easy. You’re sent reminder emails of upcoming boxes in case you want to pause, cancel, or update something before both your billing and then shipping.

Also, if you move you aren’t without your meat connection. Simply just change your address online and you are on your way.

Again, add free shipping right to your doorstep, member perks, and flexible subscription options, you really can’t go wrong. 


Cons: Why ButcherBox Might Not Be For You

Of course, while I think that ButcherBox is worth it, I do see a few reasons why you might consider not signing up for it.

Buying Local

I think the most sustainable choice to make in buying high-quality, humanely raised meat is to find a local supplier near you. ButcherBox is sourcing their meat and seafood from all over the U.S. and Australia. That’s not exactly local. Depending on where you are at in the world, those meats are having to travel some distance.

ButcherBox does this because Australia has a more robust national certification process for pasture-raised beef (unlike the U.S.), but all that travel costs some carbon emissions.

If that’s a sticking point for you, you might want to see if you can’t find a local farm connection or co-op that stocks the same quality-level meats.

You Don’t Love to Cook

There’s a learning curve to cooking a Chuck Roast! If you don’t happen to really enjoy cooking and like to keep your prep work to a minimum, then I might not recommend ButcherBox for you. I totally get it! I’ll spend entire Saturdays and Sundays working through a new recipe or two.

I happen to enjoy that, but I get that’s not for everyone (not my partners!). ButcherBox has a few pre-cooked meat options but not enough to warrant being a subscriber in my opinion.

To get the most out of ButcherBox I believe it requires an appetite for cooking, a willingness to test out and try new recipes, and as well the desire to plan meals ahead.

Try Out ButcherBox

ButcherBox Alternatives

Thrive Market

Another certified B Corp, Thrive Market is a one-stop-shop for all your grocery and household needs. 

Choose from a range of grass-fed, responsibly-raised, sustainably-caught, direct-from-the-farmer, you-name-it, high-quality meat and seafood in your next order.

With options to order à la carte or to build your own box or bundle, the meat possibilities are many! 

Check out Thrive Market here!


A similar service to ButcherBox, Moink sources its meat from US farms that embrace ethical ranching practices and delivers it directly to your door.

Order in a standard size, but completely customize your box with more than 27 cuts of high-quality, ethical meat with this service.

Check out Moink here


Pasturebird is a company that delivers pasture-raised poultry directly to your door. The birds are said to have 24/7 access 365 days out of the year! They also contain 3 times as many omega-3s and 50% more vitamins A, D, E, & C than barn-raised counterparts while also having less saturated fat.

Check out Pasturebird or read our full Pasturebird Review

Your Local Rancher

Along with composting and investing in reusables, visiting your local farmer’s markets is one of the best ways to integrate sustainability into your everyday routine.

You’ll save the earth the cost of transport and packaging and help support local, small farmers practice their sustainable, soil-saving, animal-loving ways.

Be sure to talk with your farmers! Some will let you buy a whole cow or pig wholesale, so you can divvy the meat between your friends or family. This can often be the most cost-saving, sustainable way to buy your meat. Might be a time to invest in a deep freezer!

Don’t stop at meat, make your whole diet sustainable!

ButcherBox FAQs:

What comes with my ButcherBox subscription?

Not only will you have easy access to high-quality meat on a regular basis, but you’ll also be invited to join the exclusive ButcherBox Community, where you can connect with other customers, swap recipes, get recent updates and VIP support, and join live events with their in-house chefs. 

Members also get access to their member-only deals and bundles, like their Game-Day Bundle, lobster tails, or the 5-pack of bacon for $30 (because, BACON!).  

Also, as a member, be sure to check out their chef-crafted recipes on their Just Cook Blog for yummy ideas to take outside the box.

Where is ButcherBox Meat From?

Most of their grass-fed, grass-finished beef is from Australia, and their heritage breed pork and free-range, organic chicken come from both the US and Canada. Other specialty items like their wild-caught salmon, lamb, bison, and turkey all come from the US.

Source: ButcherBox

No matter where it’s from, you can trust that ButcherBox sources only from ranches and companies with high standards for animal welfare and sustainability. All their meat is guaranteed humanely raised and butchered, their seafood is sustainably caught, and there are never any antibiotics or added hormones.

Find a list of their partner farms here to learn more about their practices and certifications.

Can You Cancel ButcherBox at Any Time?

ButcherBox is a month-to-month subscription. Cancel anytime before your next billing date!

Can You Skip Months with ButcherBox?

Yes-sir-ee! As long as you’re changing your box settings before your next billing date, you can skip and move the date of your next delivery.

How Fast Does ButcherBox Ship?

I was told to expect my box 3-7 days after I placed my order. To my delight, I received my box 3 days after ordering it.

ButcherBox: Impact & Mission

ButcherBox was started in 2015 with a mission to make grass-fed beef and humanely-raised meats more accessible to the average consumer. As a certified B Corp, ButcherBox has since expanded its mission to raise standards across the meat and food industries. At every step of its operations, ButcherBox is ensuring the protection of its employees, farmers, animals, and the planet through its rigorous B Corp reporting.

They use ethical sourcing practices to select humanely-raised meats free of hormones and antibiotics from sustainable farms and fisheries. So you know you’re getting a high-quality product that’s better for your body, the animals, and the planet.

Benefits of Sustainable Meat

Meat isn’t just big business, it’s HUMONGOUS! With global totals reaching $2 trillion annually, there is no doubt that animal agriculture has a huge effect on climate change, livelihoods, and community health. 

Let’s go over some of the most important reasons to go sustainable when it comes to buying meat.

For the Earth

The industrial feed-lots that the majority of meat is produced are horrible for the environment. Not only do the animal-packed yards strip away healthy soil and increase erosion, factory farms are also one of the biggest culprits of waterway pollution and emitter of greenhouse gases.
Pasture-raised meat is waaaay better for the soil, water sources, and the climate in general. In fact, animal integration is one of the key tenants of the regenerative organic agriculture movement that seeks to restore soil and sequester carbon. Yes, you heard me correctly. Well-managed, pasture-raised animals can help sequester carbon from the atmosphere and into the soil. With this in mind, many experts agree that regenerative animal agriculture, and agriculture in general, must be the future of farming.


For the Animal

To put it simply, humanely-raised animals live far healthier and happier lives than animals in industrial feedlots and barns. They are allowed to eat what they’re evolved to eat and have the space to move freely, which leads to a lot fewer health problems. 

In their more natural habitat, they can carry out their natural behaviors, feel less stressed, and do not have to rely on antibiotics and hormones to keep healthy.

ButcherBox uses partners certified with the Global Animal Partnership (GAP) and who have integrated various humane practices inspired by Dr. Temple Grandin, a global leader at the Humane Farm Animal Care Program.

For the Community

The modern meat industry has been rife with worker rights violations and health and safety hazards since its inception (thanks Upton for the heads up…not that it’s made much difference). 

Recently Covid-19 highlighted the devastating abuses meat companies expose their workers to on a daily basis, from lack of adequate break time, little to no health or work benefits, low pay, and grueling work tasks and quotas. 

Boycotting the industrial meat industry is one way to show your solidarity with workers. Another important way is by supporting the family farms, slaughterhouses, and companies who are shining examples of fair and dignified working practices (a-hem! Like this B Corp!).

For your Health

Oftentimes, due to genetics and environmental factors such as diet, pasture-raised, heritage-bred animals are far leaner than their factory-fed counterparts. A better, more natural diet means that the meat is more densely packed with essential vitamins and nutrients and has fewer fats and saturated fats than conventional meat. 

Learn more at ButcherBox.com

ButcherBox for Better Meat

I know firsthand that it’s hard to always make it to the farmer’s market or the specific grocery shop I know will have sustainable options available. Most of us live very busy lives! 

I imagine we’ve all had a case of the meat guilts after we give in to buying lower quality meats for the sheer convenience and availability of it. Who can judge?

I have found ButcherBox to be a great way to supplement or replace my meat-buying habits and help guarantee that the meat I consume is on par with my environmental and social values. And to me, that peace of mind is just invaluable. 

Better meat from a better-for-the-world company? What’s not to love?!

Let us know about your experience with ButcherBox in the comment section below!

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